Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Content Based Multimedia Data Mining

Hello all,

This is a very new and fast growing research area. A high end DSP application with a lot of computer science and engineering and mostly web application. Though content based multimedaia can come to hand held and mobile devices, may not be in a near future. But what can happen is that, these are available as a web service and a mobile device may consume this service.

So, what is multimedia data minning? Unlike the usual text based search, here the data is gathered from the very content of an audio clip or an image or say a video.
e.g say an image contains a ball. Then even with the existing image processing algorithms the ball can be detected and stored with a tag ball. So that people can search for an image that has ball in it rather than searching for a image that has a file name 'ball'.

Similiarly, one can search for an audio clip with a word, typed or spoken. Or one may search songs in the compuetr or on the internet by singing or even humming the song.

Basically, to do all this, one must be able to know what to look for in the image or audio and then have an accurate representation that can be relied on.

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